What is REACH?
In order to improve the protection of human health.
What is REACH
REACH is the European Union regulation adopted to improve the protection of human health and the environment against the risks that may result from the use of certain chemicals by the industry. The word REACH is the acronym for the expression Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals.
It also promotes alternative methods for assessing the hazards of substances with a view to reducing the number of animal tests.
Monteiro Fabrics does not want to replace – in the long term – the “more dangerous” substances with “less dangerous” ones. They want to do it now! The internal rule is “to no longer use these products”.

An example of this step forward is compliance with ISO 14001 (environmental concern) and ISO 9001 (quality management) standards, which, although not mandatory, place Monteiro Fabrics at the forefront of the international industry.
ISO 14001 allows Monteiro Fabrics to demonstrate its real commitment to the environment. It presents requirements for a more effective management of its processes, taking into account environmental protection, pollution prevention, legal compliance and socio-economic needs. While ISO 9001 represents the most used quality system in the world for the Certification of Quality Management Systems. This quality seal gives MF reliability, international recognition, guarantees consumer satisfaction and allows for more assertive investments in improving processes and products.
See more about Sustainability at our website: https://www.monteirofabrics.com/en/sustainability/